About HSI
HSI: A World-Class One-Stop Custom Fabrication Company
HSI is a fully integrated single-source manufacturer of refractory-lined vessels and equipment for the oil refining, chemical process, power generation and incineration industries. Our ability to handle larger pieces of equipment in our shop is a major advantage HSI offers to our customers, in addition to setting the tone in the industry for producing quality products.
HSI: The One-Stop Shop for You
By combining ASME Code Section I & VIII (Div 1 & 2) fabrication with shop refractory and coating installation, HSI has become a dependable “one-stop shop” for our customers. HSI offers a variety of products, including: refractory-lined process vessels, FCCU transfer lines, FCCU risers, large pressure vessels and Towers, syn-gas transfer lines for reformers, fired heaters, ethylene furnaces and their associated components.
Innovative Manufacturing Technology
HSI is proud to have a long history of adaptability. As technology advances and new constraints come into play, we change the way we approach our work. Notably, we have integrated robotics into the workplace for cutting and welding. HSI has taken monumental steps forward in technology for welding, enabling streamlined service and prompt manufacturing timelines.
HSI Quality Project Management
Our organization gives you excellent control over your projects, with fabrication, refractory installation and painting operations combined at a single location. Because of our ability to manage all work operations, schedules can easily be compressed, which ultimately aids in eliminating delays that would otherwise result from the coordination of several sub-contractors.
Nationally Based, Internationally Known
HSI can ship competitively to locations all over the world using barge/ocean freight. Shipments originate at the Port of Catoosa, OK., and travel to the Mississippi River and beyond via inland waterways or ocean transport.